Learn The Secret To Recreating Your Marriage Without The Arguments, Stress, Spending Years In Counseling, Or Pouring Through Self-Help Books Looking For A Silver Bullet. In This Workshop, Dr. Tom Shares The Essential Keys To Moving Beyond All Of The Past Issues So That You Can Have The Relationship That You And Your Partner Envisioned When You First Met.


Learn The Essential Skills And Knowledge That Can Enable You To Move Beyond All Of The Negativity That Weighs Down Nearly 1/2 Of Society. You Can Move Beyond All Of Sadness, Worry, Fear, Stress, Hoplessness, And Dispair To Create Genuine Lasting Happiness. Take The First Step Today By Registering For One Of Our Upcoming Sessions NOW!


Enjoy Eachother

Everyone on earth who has ever pursued a romantic relationship does so for one reason: To Be Happy. Unfortunatley, as time goes on, we often lose sight of those things that initially captivated us about our partner and we tend to fall into the routine of daily life. Put simply, we forget that our partner must be our best friend! The Transintegrative Approach is designed to Reignite The Romance™ so that you can find that joy and fascination you had when you met your partner.


Find Fulfillment

When we fall into the routine of daily life, it's very easy to lose sight of our partner because they're always there! However, after a while, it becomes evident that we've lost sight of our partner's needs and the joy we once felt has turned into arguments, criticms, disrespect, defensiveness, etc.. Unfortunately, it's impossible to be fulfilled in our relationship without harmony and peace. With our unique approach we guarantee that you'll move past the arguments to create peace and harmony.


Success Mindset

The one thing that separates the most successful couples from those that experience significant hardships is mindset? Successful couples have a mindset that is 100% focused on 'how we move forward' whereas couples who experience challenges tend to operate from the rear-view mirror. With the Transintegrative Approach, we guarantee 100% (money back on the spot) that you will move beyond the past hurts, arguments, criticisms so that you will create a happy future together on purpose.


Create Balance

As a society, we are stressed, overworked, and juggling multiple priorities to just keep the plates spinning. We are on the proverbial hamster wheel and are often struggling to just make it through the day. We'll sacrifice aspects of our lives for another to make marginal headway toward the life we want. Although we may find a marginal improvement in one area of life, we neglect others! It's a vicious cycle that keeps us on an emotional rollercoaster. It's now time to get off the hamster wheel so that you can have balance and peace.

About Us


As our friends and clients know, we were nearly one of those couples who fell into the unfortunate 90% of couples that would fail after a previous divorce. Marisa and I were both previously married, and we met in our mid-thirties. We fell in love right away, and everything pointed to our relationship being a wonderful romance for a long time. Marisa was a great stepmother for our daughter, and everything seemed to click. However, after we were married and began planning to have a child of our own together, the signs that we were headed for disaster became very apparent. Like most people in their thirties, Marisa and I had already established our own routines, habits, and behaviors as an individual. Just like all couples, we also had our own expectations of a partner and what a relationship was supposed to look like. The problem is that if these routines, habits, behaviors, and expectations are not aligned, even a so-called good relationship is really a ticking timebomb. At that point, neither of us were relationship experts, so neither of us knew what to do, other than “do what we’ve always done” and hope for the best. Needless to say, this didn’t work. So, like many couples who are facing relationship challenges, we enlisted the assistance of counselors, ministers, self-help resources, and anything we could find on the internet. In the span of a single year, we’d worked with three counselors, a deacon, and a priest at our church. We’d read all about Men being from Mars and Women being from Venus, the languages of Love, various principles for how to make marriages work, and a myriad of other books. Despite our best attempts, we were failing, and the harsh reality was that we were heading for divorce. To complicate matters more, in the middle of our challenges, we learned that Marisa was pregnant with our son. After over a year of trying to make things work in our relationship, Marisa ultimately decided to call it quits. She left our home at 9:30pm in mid-October and her petition for divorce was served to Tom in early November. Like many people, Tom was shell-shocked by the fact that he’d be facing another divorce and that his son would grow up in a broken home. For several days, he’d not eat, barely sleep, and bury himself in his work to dull the pain of reality that was setting-in upon him. At this point, Marisa had stopped all communication with Tom and there was really no way for us to ‘talk things out.’ Fortunately, Tom has never been an individual to give up easily and by the Grace of God, he stumbled upon a new strategy, with new tools, and a radically different mindset about creating relationship success. It was a strategy that not only Tom could execute upon initially without Marisa’s involvement, but it was also a strategy that would ensure that their relationship would NEVER degrade to this condition again. It has been nearly 9 years since Marisa filed for divorce, and as we look back upon our journey, we both feel genuinely grateful. Of course, it wasn’t easy for us to go through the difficulties that we encountered; however, those difficulties gave us an amazing education on what NOT to do in a relationship, plus took us down a very different road in our lives than we’d ever thought.

We’re fortunate to now be able to share our experience, our education, and strategies which enabled us to recreate our relationship. Beyond this, these strategies became the cornerstone of how we were able to overcome some of the most difficult challenges any couple will face, not to mention the COVID-19 Pandemic and Isolation. It's been an amazing journey for us personally, as a couple, and as coaches to have been privileged to work with some amazing people over the past seven years.

Dr. Thomas Pryor

Dr. Thomas Pryor, Dr. Thomas Pryor, CEO and Founder of Ascius is a Transintegrative Strategist And Coach With A Broad Background In Leading Individuals, Teams And Organizations To Create Growth And Transformation. Dr. Tom has been working as a Transintegrative Strategist And Coach for 8 Years. Dr. Tom holds certifications as a Certified Integrative Coach, Certified Master Practitioner and Coach of NLP, Master Practitioner of Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy, Strategic Intervention Coaching, Mindfulness, and various energy healing modalities. Thomas is also a Doctor of Integrative Coaching with an additional specialization in Relationship Dynamics.

Marisa Padilla

Marisa Padilla, VP and Cofounder of Ascius, is an Integrative Coach who has worked with clients in the financial services, education, healthcare, law enforcement, corrections, and government sectors. She has extensive experience working with different types of learners and has a unique background in technology, art, and design. Marisa holds a degree in Computer Science and Art and certifications as a Master Practitioner of NLP, Master Practitioner of Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy, and Mental and Emotional Release Therapy®. Marisa is a female, Hispanic, first generation college graduate who has conquered many challenges which stood in the path of her dreams, and she continues to grow every day. She is passionate at helping others achieve their best self and true life fulfillment and happiness

The Transintegrative Mastery™ Approach

Below are just a small sampling of the areas of focus that we cover in all of our Transintegrative Mastery™ solutions.

Create A Success Mindset

To have success in any area of life, you need a mindset that consistently supports sucess. Ultimately, before every interaction you'll have with anyone else in the world, there's another conversation going on inside of your head. If that conversation is positive and supportive of your growth, you will thrive. If that conversation is unhelpful you'll struggle to make even small improvements. Our Transintegrative Mastery Programs Guarantee that you'll have a mindset that will support your continued growth.

Design Your Relationship On Purpose

Most people who get into a relationship never actually decide where they want to be 6 months, 1 year, 5 years, or 10 years down the road. They simply assume that "they're together" and that's it. However, the truth is that you cannot get to a desired future state together, if you do not decide what the future will include. To go on any journey you need a map and directions, without which the only place you will grow is apart.

Design Your Career On Purpose

Whether we like it or not, most of us will spend more time at work than we'll actually spend with our friends and family members. In today's day and age, it's common to just accept this as "just the way it is"; however, we often find ourselves stuck in an unfulfilling career to provide a life for our families that we often cannot even enjoy ourselves. Your career doesn't have to be this way. Our Transintegrative Career Mastery Clients are living proof that you can create an abundant income and maintain balance across all areas of your life.

Create Deep Intimacy And Passion

Most people would never dream of not doing regular oil changes on their car, yet they effectively do the same thing when they neglect prioritizing intimacy with their partner. Creating passion and intimacy isn't difficult with the right strategy, and in the Transintegrative Relationship Mastery Programs, you learn the easy way to not only recreate the spark, but maintain it for the long-term.

Know Your Partner's Needs

Everyone enters a relationship because they desire to spend their lives with someone who they believe will help them to find peace and happiness. Unfortunately, our partners can often miss the mark and we're left feeling neglected. With the Transintegrative Approach, you can avoid the years of arguments and feeling unfulfilled. Basically, you'll know exactly what it is that both of you need to be completely fulfilled (at all times), so that you can just be happy and avoid all of the guesswork, arguments, and feelings of neglect.

Create And Enforce Boundaries

Boundaries are the single biggest problem that individuals and couples face throughout the world. So often, it seems like we find ourselves feeling taken advantage of, disrespected, or used because we just want to maintain a sense of harmoney at work, in our relationships, in our families, or with others... yet, the one person that isn't happy is us! By learning how to set and enforce boundaries congruently, you will have very clear standards of what is acceptable for you, what is not, and exactly how these standards will be enforced. Boundaries do not require arguments or negativity, they require that you really prioritize yourself, your marriage, your family, health, and those areas of life that are important to you. In our Transintegrative Mastery Programs, you'll learn how to do this quickly and easily without feeling "weird" about setting and enforcing boundaries.

Get The Owner's Manual For Your Marriage

Wouldn't it be nice if you just know what you needed to do on a daily basis so that you and your partner could just enjoy the type of life that you had when you first got together? You could avoid all of the arguments, guesswork, anger, depression, anxiety and stress -> you'd just be happy. In the Transintegrative Relationship Mastery Programs, you'll learn how to do just that, quickly and easily.

Negotiate Win-Win Solutions

Human beings are social creatures and given our social nature, it is inevitable that we will have times where we do not agree with our partner, friends, family members, coworkers, boss, or others

about a given topic. Unfortunately, in most cases, this usually results in an argument where one person feels like they've 'lost' and the other feeling like they've 'won'. However, in reality, they've both lost because it has damaged the foundation of the relationship between them. If this happens for a long enough period of time , there will be lost trust, feelings of disrespect or contempt, and eventually that relationship will dwindle. However, as you'll learn, negotiating win-win solutions does not require arguments, criticims, disrespect or anyone feeling slighted.

Speak Authentically

Communication challenges (whether boundaries related or otherwise) are some of the most perplexing

challenges individuals and couples face. We all know "how" to communicate quite well. However, over the years, our communication begins to deteriorate, especially in our romantic relationships. Sadly, we will often find ourselves feeling misunderstood, disrespected, criticized, or attacked, and we begin to doubt that things will ever change. However, it really doesn't have to be this way, with our unique approach, you'll have the knowledge and tools so that you can communicate authentically, without negativity, and ensuring that whomever you are communicating with will feel understood, and respected. No argument required

Create Genuine Lasting Happiness, Peace And Purpose

If you really take a

moment to consider, what is the one thing , at a deeper level, that we're all seeking in life? So often we think of things like money, success, relationships, and otiher things; however, this isn't actually the case. Although there is nothing wrong with any of these, and in our Transintegrative Mastery Progreams you'll achieve many, if not all of them. Rather, the one thing that we're all searching for is happiness. So often, we believe that if we just get this one thing, then we'll be happy. However,, it rarely, if ever happens. In our Transintegrative Mastery Programs, you'll learn how to create happiness, peace and real sense of purpose, without having to "get" anything.


Our Relationships, Careers, Families, Physical Health, And Overall Happiness are NOT one-size fits all. Therefore, you need a solution that treats you as the unique, complex, and wonderful person that you are. Cookie cutter approaches that you'll often find in self-help books, online videos, coaches, counselors and other helping professionals may offer some interesting insights; however, they'll never accomodate for the uniquenesses that everyone's life situations posess. Is it no surprise that the Gallop suggests that nearly 1/2 of the US population are unhappy and unfulfilled? Likewise, is it any surprise that divorce rate in the United States (50% of All Marriages) has not significantly changed in the past 30 years, even with a proliferation of information about relationship success?

The Transintegrative Mastery Solutions we offer are customized to suit your UNIQUE life situations so that you aren't wasting a bunch of time learning things that simply don't apply. You'll have exactly what you need, when you need it so that you can begin to create a massive positive shift in your relationship, your career, your health, family, and across all areas of your life in the shortest amount of time possible.

Below you'll find a brief description of the solutions that we offer; however, bear in mind that each of them are customized specifically to accomodate every client or couple's unique relationship and life circumstance. Nothing we do at Ascius is 'cookie cutter.'


Strong Start

To create the most abundant, lives, relationships, career, physical health, or any other area of life, you have to move past the past. In our Transintegrative Mastery Programs, we guarantee that you will have an undeniable experience of releasing the past, so that you can design your future on purpose.


Sharpen The Saw

With a firm foundation on the fundamentals of success principles, it's now time to raise the bar to not just create a relationship, career, health, or family life where things are "just ok". . Rather, this is about creating genuine lasting happiness, peace, passion, and joy. In our relationships, this also means cultivating playfulness, polarity, and passion that ensures that even when eventual challenges in life arise, these become opportunities to grow more deeply connected.


Find The Clues

Success leaves clues, yet so often we find ourselves too busy to realize our areas of strength and opportunity. Although we may have encountered challenges in our lives in the past, our challenges and our successes can be used purposefully to aid us in our growth.



It's not what you do once that creates success in our lives, It's what you do consistently. By using the transintegrative approach, creating new successful habits doesn't take months or years. With our proprietary system, creating new habits that are deeply embedded in our daily routine just requires a few minutes a day and a dedication to create the most abundant marriage, career, health, or family life, possible.


Have A Vision

Unfortunatley, too many individuals throughout the world find themselves feeling dissatisfied with their lives, marriages, careers, or physical health. They've fallen into the routine of daily life and are often just struggling to make it through the day without going crazy. Yet, it's very common that we've not given much serious thought about what we'd rather have instead. We may know what we DON'T WANT, but are very vague about what we DO WANT. Knowing where you're growing is an essential element of creating a purposeful future, otherwise you will only grow apart. Designing your future means you have a destination defined so that you can grow toward an empowered and abundant life, relationship, career, health, or family..


Inner Peace

The term inner peace is well known and is something that is often reserved for highly spiritual people. However, the truth is that you do not need to spend years in a remote part of India to have inner peace, it is firmly within your grasp. Imagine how you'll respond to the typical challenges of daily life when you can choose to act from a calm, centered, and balanced mindset. I'd imagine that there'll be a lot more time for intimacy in your relationships, family time, your next career breakthrough, or the little extra push you need to lose those last few pounds.



Although we don't often realize it, sucess in ann are of life isn't created by the "big break" in our career, the lavish vacation with our family, the once a month date nights or other such things. Rather, success in any area of life is down to doing the little things, the fundamentals, consistently. They're easy to do....but, they're easy to not do. The truth is that it is the little things that separate the ultra successful from those that struggle. The key is knowing what the little things are that we need to do and holding ourselves accountable to doing them, without fail. Our Transintegrative Mastery Programs will teach you all of the little things so that you can excel in your career, relationship, health, family, or other areas of your life. With the help of our master coaches, you'll have some extra help in staying accountable, so that you can achieve results quickly.



We live in a busy society with constant distractions which pull us in multiple directions. Sometimes, it feels impossible for us to spend much time on anything before we're pulled away with the latest top priority. Creating balance in your life means that you can put first things first, without rushing or stress. In fact, with our Transintegrative Approach, you'll have more time available to create success in all areas of your life.

Inspirational Examples Of Possibility

Yes.. You Can Create These Types Of Life And Relationship Tranformations.

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